This is an example of a site-wide minor alert - click hide and you should not see me again. Other alerts might be displayed on specific pages.
This is an example of a 'step by step overview'
Add a 'step by step overview' when a user needs to follow a specific process. This could include registering, applying for or renewing something. To create steps in the process, add 'step by step pages' and relate them to the overview.
Click hide to hide this alert banner.
Get married or form a civil partnership: step by step
If you have a ceremony already booked over the coming months, please email us at the address below if you wish to change dates.
Before you can get married or have a civil partnership, you and your partner must give notice at a register office. This must happen at least 29 days before your ceremony.
To minimise the number of people who are in contact with each other during this time, we have a number of rules in place in order to keep you and our staff safe.