Petitions Scheme - Publications Demo Content - Guidelines for submission

Published: 2 July 2024
Last updated: 2 July 2024
writing on a table

Writing a petition - image with a caption


4.1 A valid petition submitted to the Council must:

  • Relate to something which is the Council’s responsibility, or which the Council has some influence over.
  • Be a clear and concise statement covering the subject of the petition. It should state what action the petitioners wish the Council to take.
  • Have the names, addresses and signatures of the people who support the petition (name, address and valid e-mail address if the petition is submittedvia e-mail or via the E-petition facility). The address might be a residential, work place or study location within the borough, with a valid postcode.
  • Meet defined thresholds for numbers of signatures of people who live, work or study in the borough. (See section 9 below).
  • Contain contact details, including an address, of the petition organiser. This is the person we will contact to explain how we will respond to the petition. Thecontact details of the petition organiser will not be placed on our website. If the petition does not identify a petition organiser, we will contact signatories to thepetition to agree who should act as the petition organiser.
  • Not be vexatious, abusive or otherwise inappropriate.
  • Not relate to planning or licensing decisions or to any other matter where people have a statutory right to make comments, or to request a review or to appeal.